How to Care for Electric Blue Ram?

This article will walk you through everything you need to know about caring for Electric Blue Rams. From their unique species profile to tank setup, water requirements, and even breeding tips, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to dive into the world of Electric Blue Rams and become a pro at caring for these beautiful fish!

electric blue ram cichlid

What to Know about Species Profile and Identification of Electric Blue Ram?

The Electric Blue Ram Cichlid, scientifically known as Mikrogeophagus ramirezi “Electric Blue,” is a stunning variant of the Ram Cichlid species. It is highly sought after by aquarium enthusiasts for its vibrant neon blue coloration that covers most of its body. Both males and females boast this stunning hue, making them a captivating addition to any tank.

  • Scientific Name: Mikrogeophagus ramirezi “Electric Blue”
  • Common Name: Electric Blue Ram Cichlid
  • Adult Size: 1.4 – 1.6 inches (3.5 – 4 cm)
  • Lifespan: 2-3 years (with proper care)
  • Origin: Tank-bred, but originally found in South America

Identifying the Electric Blue Ram Cichlid is relatively straightforward due to its distinctive blue coloration. Here are some key features to look out for:

  1. Coloration: Electric Blue Rams have a bright neon blue hue covering their whole body. This vibrant color sets them apart from other Ram Cichlid variants.
  2. Size: As dwarf cichlids, Electric Blue Rams are smaller in size compared to their larger cichlid relatives. They typically reach an adult size of around 1.4 – 1.6 inches.
  3. Body Shape: Rams have a relatively flat and oval-shaped body, typical of cichlids. However, their fins, especially the dorsal and anal fins, may differ in size and shape between males and females.

It’s important to note that Electric Blue Rams are tank-bred, which means they have been selectively bred to enhance their vibrant blue coloration and overall hardiness. This makes them a great choice for beginner aquarists looking to add a splash of color to their tank.

What Supplies You Need for Electric Blue Ram?

To properly care for your Electric Blue Ram, you’ll need to gather the necessary supplies. Here is a list of the essential items you’ll need:

  1. Aquarium Tank: A minimum tank size of 20-30 gallons is recommended for a small group, but a larger aquarium should be used for a community of several species. Make sure the tank has a tight-fitting lid to prevent escapades.
  2. Sandy Substrate: Provide a sandy substrate in the tank to mimic the natural environment of the Electric Blue Ram. This will also allow them to dig and forage.
  3. Refuge Areas: Create ample hiding spaces using clay pots, driftwood, and rock formations. Rams appreciate having areas to retreat to when they feel stressed or want to establish territories.
  4. Plants: The Electric Blue Ram is compatible with planted aquariums. Consider adding live plants such as java moss, Amazon sword, or java fern. These plants provide additional shelter and create a natural aesthetic.
  5. Heater and Thermometer: Maintain a stable temperature by using a heater. The water temperature should be kept between 78.8° – 86° F (26° – 30° C), with 82°+ F (28°+ C) being optimal. Monitor the temperature with a reliable thermometer.
  6. Filtration System: Install a quality filtration system to keep the water clean and properly circulated. Canister filters or sponge filters work well for an Electric Blue Ram tank.
  7. Water Conditioner: Treat tap water with a water conditioner to remove chlorine, chloramine, and heavy metals. This ensures a safe and healthy environment for your fish.

Remember, providing the right supplies will create a comfortable and suitable habitat for your Electric Blue Rams, allowing them to flourish and display their vibrant colors.

How to Setup a Tank for Electric Blue Ram?

To ensure the well-being of your Electric Blue Rams, it’s crucial to set up their tank properly. Here are the key points to consider:

Tank Size:

  • Aim for a minimum tank size of 20-30 gallons for a small group of Electric Blue Rams.
  • If you plan on keeping a community of multiple species, opt for a larger aquarium.

Substrate and Decor:

  • Choose a sandy substrate to mimic the natural habitat of Electric Blue Rams.
  • Provide plenty of hiding places such as clay pots, driftwood, and rock formations.
  • Consider adding live plants to create a lush and natural environment.

Water Parameters:

  • Maintain a temperature range of 78.8° – 86° F (26° – 30° C), with an optimal range of 82°+ F (28°+ C).
  • Keep the pH level between 6.0 – 7.5, although tank-raised specimens are more flexible.
  • Aim for a KH level of 0 – 10 KH.

Filtration and Lighting:

  • Use a filtration system that provides both mechanical and biological filtration to keep the water clean and healthy.
  • Moderate lighting is ideal, as Electric Blue Rams prefer subdued lighting conditions.

Space and Compatibility:

  • Electric Blue Rams are generally peaceful, but they can be territorial during spawning.
  • Allow plenty of open space for swimming and territorial behavior.
  • Consider tank mates that are peaceful and can tolerate the same water conditions.

By following these guidelines, you can create an ideal tank setup for your Electric Blue Rams, promoting their health, happiness, and stunning natural colors.

What are the Best Water Requirements for Electric Blue Ram?

The water quality and parameters play a crucial role in providing optimal care for your Electric Blue Ram. Here are the key water requirements to ensure the well-being of your fish:

  1. Temperature: Maintain a water temperature between 78.8°F – 86°F (26°C – 30°C), with 82°F+ (28°C+) being optimal. This will mimic their natural tropical habitat and promote their overall health and activity level.
  2. pH Level: Aim for a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5. Tank-bred Electric Blue Rams are more adaptable to different pH levels, but it’s still important to keep it within this range to prevent stress and potential health issues.
  3. Water Hardness (KH): Keep the water hardness (KH) in the range of 0-10 KH. Rams are not particularly sensitive to hardness, but maintaining a moderate level will benefit their overall well-being.
  4. Tank Size: Provide a spacious tank for your Electric Blue Rams. While a minimum tank size of 20-30 gallons is sufficient for a small group, a larger aquarium is recommended if you plan to keep them with other species in a community tank.
  5. Filtration: Ensure efficient filtration to maintain water quality. Rams are sensitive to poor water conditions, so a good filtration system will help keep the water clean and clear.

Remember to regularly test the water parameters using appropriate test kits and make necessary adjustments to maintain optimal conditions for your Electric Blue Rams. Providing the right water environment will contribute significantly to their overall health, coloration, and vitality.

What is the Ideal Diet and Feeding of Electric Blue Ram?

When it comes to the diet of your Electric Blue Rams, it’s important to provide them with a variety of high-quality foods to ensure their optimal health and vibrant coloration. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Carnivorous Diet: Electric Blue Rams are carnivorous by nature, which means they need a diet that consists of meaty foods.
  • Quality Food Sources: Offer them a mix of high-quality dry, frozen, and live foods. This will provide them with the essential nutrients they need to thrive.
  • Variety is Key: Aim to feed your Electric Blue Rams a varied diet to ensure they receive a wide range of nutrients. This can include flakes, pellets, bloodworms, brine shrimp, and other small invertebrates.
  • Feed Multiple Times a Day: Electric Blue Rams have small stomachs, so it’s best to feed them small amounts multiple times a day rather than a large feeding all at once. This will prevent overeating and aid in digestion.
  • Observe Feeding Habits: Pay close attention to how much your Rams consume during each feeding. If there is excess food left uneaten after a few minutes, it’s a sign that you may be overfeeding them. Adjust the amount accordingly to prevent water quality issues.
  • Monitor Growth and Coloration: A well-balanced diet will not only support your Rams’ overall health but also enhance their vibrant coloration. Keep an eye on their growth and colors to ensure they are thriving.
  • Supplemental Foods for Breeding: If you are hoping to breed your Electric Blue Rams, consider adding specialized foods such as freeze-dried or live brine shrimp to their diet. These foods can help stimulate spawning behavior.

Remember, providing your Electric Blue Rams with a nutritious and varied diet is essential for their well-being and overall vitality. By offering them a range of high-quality foods, you can help them thrive in your aquarium.

What is the Best Care Schedule for Electric Blue Ram?

To ensure the well-being of your Electric Blue Ram, it’s important to establish a care schedule. Consistency is key when it comes to meeting their needs. Here’s a simple guide to help you stay on track:

Daily Care

  1. Feed your Electric Blue Ram a variety of high-quality dry, frozen, and live meaty foods. Offer small portions multiple times a day to prevent overfeeding.
  2. Observe their behavior and check for any signs of stress, aggression, or illness. Pay attention to their swimming patterns and interactions with tank mates.

Weekly Care

  1. Perform a partial water change of around 25-30% to maintain water quality. Use a siphon to remove debris from the substrate.
  2. Test the water parameters such as temperature, pH, and ammonia levels. Make any necessary adjustments to keep the water conditions stable and suitable for your Rams.
  3. Inspect the equipment like filters, heaters, and lights. Clean or replace them if needed to ensure proper functioning.

Monthly Care

  1. Deep clean the aquarium by removing any algae growth or debris from the glass, decorations, and plants. Use a fish-friendly algae scraper and a siphon for this task.
  2. Trim and maintain live plants if you have them in your tank. Remove any dead or decaying leaves to prevent them from affecting the water quality.

Occasional Care

  1. Check the health of your Electric Blue Rams by closely examining them for any signs of illness or parasites. Treat any issues promptly to prevent the spread of diseases.
  2. Rearrange the tank decor every few months to provide new hiding spots and territories for the Rams. This can help reduce aggression and stimulate their natural behavior.

Remember, establishing a consistent care schedule keeps your Electric Blue Rams healthy and thriving in their aquarium environment.

What are Common Health Problems of Electric Blue Ram?

When caring for your Electric Blue Ram, it’s important to be aware of common health issues that can arise. Here are some potential problems to watch out for:

  1. Ich (White Spot Disease) – This is a common freshwater disease caused by a parasite. Symptoms include white spots on the fish’s body and fins, along with itching and rubbing against objects in the tank. Treatments like aquarium salt or commercial medications can help eliminate the parasite.
  2. Gill Flukes – These tiny parasites can attach themselves to the gills of your Electric Blue Ram, causing breathing difficulties and irritation. Look out for symptoms such as rapid breathing, clamped fins, and lethargy. Medications specifically designed to treat flukes can be used to eradicate these pests.
  3. Fin Rot – Bacterial infection can lead to fin rot, which causes the fins to become ragged and frayed. Poor water quality, stress, or injuries can contribute to its development. Improving water conditions, maintaining a healthy diet, and using appropriate medications can help your Ram recover.
  4. Bloat – Overfeeding or consuming inappropriate foods can lead to bloating, causing the fish’s belly to become swollen. If you notice your Electric Blue Ram struggling to swim or exhibiting a loss of appetite, it may be suffering from bloat. Adjusting the diet to include more easily digestible foods and reducing the quantity can often resolve the issue.

Remember, prevention is key to maintaining the health of your Electric Blue Ram. Ensure a clean and well-maintained tank, provide a balanced diet, and monitor water parameters regularly to catch any potential issues early on. If you notice any signs of illness, it’s recommended to consult with a veterinarian or an experienced fish keeper for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What are the Best Tank Mates for Electric Blue Ram?

When it comes to choosing tank mates for your Electric Blue Ram, it’s important to select peaceful and compatible species. Here are some suitable options for your aquarium:

  1. Tetras: Tetras, such as Neon Tetras and Cardinal Tetras, are small, peaceful fish that make great tank mates for Electric Blue Rams. They add vibrant colors and their active nature complements the calm demeanor of the Rams.
  2. Corydoras Catfish: These bottom-dwelling catfish are peaceful and can thrive in similar water conditions as Electric Blue Rams. They help keep the tank clean and their playful nature adds liveliness to the aquarium.
  3. Swordtails: Swordtails are colorful and active fish that get along well with Electric Blue Rams. They prefer similar water parameters and their active swimming habits create a lively atmosphere in the tank.
  4. Guppies: Guppies are peaceful, small fish that come in a variety of colors. They are active swimmers and can add a playful touch to the tank while coexisting peacefully with Electric Blue Rams.
  5. Apistogramma: Apistogramma cichlids are another compatible choice for your Electric Blue Ram tank. These dwarf cichlids have fascinating behavior and their vibrant colors create a visually appealing display alongside the Rams.

Remember to provide plenty of hiding spots and open spaces in the tank to allow each species to establish their territories and exhibit their natural behavior. Observing compatibility and temperament is crucial, as some fish may show aggression towards Electric Blue Rams.

Avoid keeping aggressive or large-bodied fish, as they may intimidate or harm the Rams. It’s also important to keep in mind the size of your tank – a larger aquarium will provide more space for multiple species to coexist peacefully.

By carefully selecting tank mates, you can create a harmonious and vibrant community aquarium that showcases the beauty and personality of your Electric Blue Rams.

How to Breed Electric Blue Ram?

Breeding Electric Blue Rams can be an exciting and rewarding experience. These tips will help you successfully breed these beautiful cichlids:

  • Pair Selection: Start by selecting a pair of Rams that are mature and healthy. Look for individuals that show vibrant coloration and are active and well-fed.
  • Conditioning: Separate the selected pair into their own breeding tank and provide them with a balanced diet consisting of high-quality and varied foods. This will help them reach optimal breeding condition.
  • Setting up the Breeding Tank: Create an ideal environment for breeding by providing the Rams with flat surfaces like rocks or flowerpots for them to lay their eggs on. Add dense vegetation such as java moss or floating plants to provide cover and reduce stress.
  • Water Conditions: Maintain a temperature between 78.8° – 86°F (26° – 30°C), with a pH level ranging from 6.0 – 7.5. Soft and slightly acidic water conditions are preferred by Rams for successful breeding.
  • Courtship and Spawning: During the courtship phase, the male will display vivid colors and perform courtship dances to attract the female. Once the female is ready, they will engage in a spawning embrace, during which she releases eggs and the male fertilizes them.
  • Egg Care and Hatching: After spawning, the female will guard and fan the eggs to promote oxygenation. It is crucial to keep the water clean and stable during this time. The eggs will hatch in approximately three days, and the fry will remain attached to the spawning site for another five days.
  • Feeding the Fry: Once the fry become free-swimming, they can be fed with powdered or liquid fry food, infusoria, or freshly hatched brine shrimp. Gradually introduce finely crushed flake and pellet food as they grow.

Breeding Electric Blue Rams can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. With proper care and attention to water conditions and the breeding environment, you can enjoy the beauty of these fish multiplying in your aquarium.


Caring for Electric Blue Rams can be a rewarding experience for beginners and experienced aquarists alike. These beautiful and peaceful fish will thrive in a well-maintained aquarium with a proper setup, nutritious diet, and compatible tank mates.

By following the guidelines outlined in this complete guide, you can provide a healthy and happy environment for your Electric Blue Rams to flourish. If you have any questions or additional tips to share, please leave a comment below!

Updated: June 29, 2023

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